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New Homebrew Question/Answer site
The software this site runs on is finely tuned for asking questions, and getting useful answers quickly. It is specifically designed not to be used for discussion, since other forum software handles discussions relatively well (but is really cumbersome for asking questions, and evaluating which answer is the most helpful).
So, the way the site works is:
All of this voting will build up ‘reputation’ points for the users of the site. To the left is my reputation badge on the new site. As you gain reputation, the system ‘trusts’ you more, and gives you access to more tools to help maintain the site. The site is very much driven by the community, and really does a great job of building and nurturing the community.
Also, all of the data gathered by the site (questions, answers, etc) is released in a monthly data dump under a Creative Commons license, so you don’t have to worry about the site taking all of this content, and then turning it into a for-pay site, or anything. If that happened, you could just take the data dump, and start your own site with it.